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Transfer your License


Transfer to Other Facilities

You can Transfer your Healthcare professional License Within Healthcare Authorities, DHA license to DOH/MOH, DOH license to DHA/MOH or MOH license to DOH/DHA. When you desire to work for a different healthcare authority than the one where you obtained your license, a license transfer is beneficial. You don’t need any NOC from existing employer to transfer your license.

Transfer Within the Same Facility

This service also allows healthcare professionals to keep their licenses active even if they are not working for an extended period. Suppose you are planning to take a long break in your career and want to resume your job. In that case, your license will be readily available to quickly join new opportunities without the hassles of a new license application and gap of practice.

Note for Eligibility Holders

If you have an eligibility letter than you can not transfer your license to other authority until you activate that license and wait for 3 months. Right after that you are eligible to transfer your license to any authority within UAE.
Transfer your license now!

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